The Caucasus Policy Analysis Center, together with the LINKs (DAR), has hosted an event to raise the importance of mine-clearance in the South Caucasus countries.…
The Caucasus Policy Analysis Center (CPAC) experts have trained the local influencers and NGO representatives on Preventing and Countering Radical extremism in the region. The…
CPAC Director Ahmad Alili joined The 3rd Oxford Conference on contemporary South Caucasus issues, jointly organised by LINKS (DAR) and Oxford University was held at…
CPAC&LINKS& CESD hold Confidence-Building Conference in Baku On 06 November 2017, Caucasus Policy Analysis Center, Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD) and London-based LINKS…
For the PDF version of the Press-Release, click here.
#landminefreeSC Kampaniya haqqında Azərbaycan dilində Pres-Reliz Read more about the campaign in English
The Caucasus Policy Analysis Centre and LINKS (Dialogue, Analysis and Research) are going to host a round table discussion with the theme “Contextual challenges to…
Баку и Еревану не хватает веса, чтобы решить карабахскую проблему К чему привела встреча президента Азербайджана Ильхама Алиева и премьер-министра Армении Никола Пашиняна в Вене 29 марта. Можно ли ожидать…
Turan: Signing the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian shows that disagreements between the littoral states are overcome. This opinion was expressed in…